Dear Union Member!

By writing this I would like to encourage you to vote „Yes“ to the proposed strike. You should have received ballot materials from the Federation of General and Special workers in Iceland(SGS) that Framsýn-union is a member of.

The fact is that employers(SA) have ignored the union´s plight to raise the minimum wage. To push for higher wages a strike has been called for after the Easter holidays. Hopefully an agreement will be reached by that time, but if not a strike will start if approved in the ongoing vote. In case the strike is approved all Framsýn-union members, who work according to the collective agreement between the Federation of General and Special workers in Iceland(SGS) and the Business Iceland(SA), shall shut down work and go on a strike.

Strike dates for Framsýn-union members:

10th April: A full work stoppage from 12:00 noon until midnight, active in all areas of the 16 member unions of SGS.

16th April: A work stoppage from midnight until midnight, active in the areas of Framsýn-union, Grindavík-union, Aldan-union, Westfjord-union and the Bolungarvík workers and fishermen´s union.

27th April: A work stoppage from midnight until midnight, active in the areas of Framsýn-union, Grindavík-union, Aldan-union, Westfjord-union, the Bolungarvík workers and fishermen´s union, Snæfellsnes-union and the Sandgerði workers and fishermen´s union.

30th April: A full work stoppage from 12:00 noon until midnight, active in all areas of the 16 member unions of SGS.

If an agreement is not reached in April further union action will follow on 12th May.

All who have no or limited computer access are welcome to the Framsýn-union office to cast their vote. Opening hours are 08:00-16:00 on weekdays.

For further information, please contact the office or visit our website:

Húsavík, 23rd March 2015

Om behalf of Framsýn-union

Aðalsteinn Árni Baldursson