Laws and regulations

Site of various laws and regulations regarding the Icelandic labour market. See also the english homepage of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the site of Laws & Regulations (selected translations).

Working Terms and Pension Rights Insurance Act No. 55/1980, with subsequent amendments

Act on temporary-work agencies, No. 139/2005

This Act shall apply to temporary-work agencies on the domestic labour market.
The term „temporary-work agency“ refers to a service company which, according to a contract and in return for a fee, hires out its workers to perform work assignments at the workplace of a user company under the supervision of the latter.

The Wage Guarantee Fund Act, No. 53/1993

The Wage Guarantee Fund shall guarantee the payment of wage claims and pension premium claims made by recognized pension funds against an employer in the event of insolvency or when his estate at death is settled by an official and his heirs do not accept liability for his obligations.

Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave, No. 95/2000

The Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave shall apply to the rights of parents working in the domestic labour market to be granted maternity/paternity leave and parental leave. It shall apply to parents who are employed by others or are self-employed.

Act on Trade Unions and Industrial Disputes No. 80/1938

Act No. 80/1938 with subsequent amendments (No. 70/1954, 10/1983, 91/1991 and 75/1996). Respecting the rights of trade unions and their position toward employers.

The Pension Act

The act on mandatory insurance of pension rights and on activities of pension funds was passed into law in 1997 and is intended to provide a comprehensive legal framework for all general pension funds whereby the rights of pension fund members are clearly defined, the obligations of pension funds, both as payers of pensions and investors, are spelled out and the transfer of members from one fund to another are facilitated without a loss of accumulated rights.

Act on the Equal Status and Equal Rights of Women and Men

The aim of this act is to establish and maintain equal status and equal opportunities for women and men, and thus promote gender equality in all spheres of the society.

Unemployment Insurance Act

Wage-earners and self-employed individuals who become unemployed shall have the right to receive benefit from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

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